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Press and media contact
Contact person: Christian Jahnke
TT-Line GmbH & Co. KG
Zum Hafenplatz 1
23570 Lübeck - Travemünde
About TT-Line
TT-Line offers the closest route network on the direct trades to south Sweden. With nine modern ferries and up to 18 departures daily, TT-Line links the largest German Baltic ports Travemünde and Rostock, and the Polish port Świnoujście as well as the Lithuanian harbor city Klaipėda with the southern Swedish transport hub of Trelleborg. TT-Line is the market leader in freight and individual touristic transport between Germany and Sweden. The ferry connection between these two countries exist since 1962.
Since 2015 all TT-Line ships are operated with the new legal requirements of the IMO (International Maritime Organization) to reduce ship emissions. Three of eight ferries sail with environmentally friendly marine fuel with a maximum sulphur content of 0.1 percent. A flue gas desulfurization plant is installed in the ships Nils Holgersson, Peter Pan, Nils Dacke and Marco Polo. Thus, not only the sulphur emissions are reduced significantly but also the particle content in exhaust gases are reduced. With streamlining hull shapes and fuel-efficient speed management the CO2 footprint will be further improved. The technology and environmental management of TT-Line has already received several awards. Furthermore TT-Line currently has the new Green Ship under construction and will therefore be the first shipping company and pioneer in the southern Baltic Sea to use LNG as a fuel. This enables significant reductions of emission.