6 Departures per week
Intermodal connections to Scandinavia
Standard Timetable
Wien - Travemünde v.v.
Wien - Travemünde v.v. Wien Travemünde Travemünde Wien Closing Arrival Departure Arrival Monday 19:00 Wednesday 22:00 Monday 14:00 Friday 06:00 Wednesday 19:00 Saturday 16:00 Friday 01:00 Monday 06:00 Friday 19:00 Sunday 21:00 Sunday 01:00 Wednesday 06:00 * subject to change
Conditions & Informations
Booking procedure
Please submit your booking online.
Our team will process your booking, check availability with an appropriate train operator and arrange your booking. Please kindly notice that processing of the booking might take some time and booking confirmation term will take up to 3 hours. Please concider that according to the general terms and conditions of the train operator booking spot confirmation on the chosen departure can not be concidered as departure and can be changed due to the technical circumstancies.
Please find the explanation of our intermodal online booking system here:
Checklist for trailer delivery
For a smooth trailer delivery you will find a helpful checklist here.
Terminal Information
Terminal Wien
Wien Süd CCT
Güterzentrum Süd
1100 Wien - AT
Coordinates: 48°13’70.249”N 16°36’93.138”E
Mo.- Fri.: 08:00 – 17:00