Sustainable Development Goals

What we want
As the leading transportation provider in Southern Sweden, TT-Line recognizes the importance of sustainability. The United Nations has established a set of 17 goals for sustainable development. As a company we give priority to the implementation of measures that are aligned with those Sustainable Development Goals.
While all of them are important, we focus on six key goals that hold significant potential in our field of operation. Embracing these goals, we strive for sustainable business development and a positive impact on society and the environment.
Our six key goals we want to focus on in the future are:
Our goal
Reduce CO2 emissions (gCO2/t*km) by 40% until 2035 compared to 2010.
Since 2010, we have managed to reduce our CO2 emissions (gCO2/t*km) by about 19% already. Therefore, we are confident to be able to reach our goal.

TT-Line Green Ships
TT-Line is the first shipping company, and a pioneer in the southern Baltic Sea, to use LNG for its new Green Ships. The use of sulfur-free LNG means that local emissions such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxide emissions and fine dust are almost completely avoided and CO2 emissions are reduced by another 66%.
TT-Line - Part of the European infrastructure
TT-Line offers reliable, high quality and environmentally friendly transport solutions for more than 62 years. Our company has been
operating direct ferry services between Germany and Sweden since 1962, which started with the route Travemünde - Trelleborg and was followed 20 years later by the route Rostock - Trelleborg.
Since 2014, TT-Line also connects Poland and Sweden via Świnoujście, which makes us the only ferry service offering all three main routes between Continental Europe and Sweden.
In Spring 2018 TT-Line started the route between Klaipėda in Lithuania and Trelleborg in Sweden to offer additional capacity on highly demanded departures with direct transshipment options to & from Rostock and Travemünde in Germany.
In spring 2023, TT-Line expanded its route network with the Swedish port of Karlshamn complementing the service from and to Klaipėda, but also offering connections to Trelleborg, Travemünde and Rostock. In total, TT-Line offers around 6.500 departures per year on its routes across the Baltic Sea.
Besides offering the ferry transport solutions, TT-Line´s direct ferry connections are perfectly integrated in the intermodal network within continental Europe and Scandinavia.
With innovative digital solutions TT-Line strives to further improve processes for its customers and adapt to the market needs quickly.
With the construction of the Green Ships, the most environmentally friendly ferrys in the company's history, we are investing in a sustainable future.
Our focus
As a company committed to sustainable development, we have carefully selected six out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to prioritize in our future endeavors. These goals serve as a guiding framework for our efforts to make a positive impact on both society and the environment. By focusing on these specific goals, we aim to contribute meaningfully to the global agenda for a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable world.
Gender Equality
One of our focuses is to create a positive working environment with respectful treatment for all women and men, including young people and people with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring women's full participation and equal opportunities for leadership.

Decent Work & Economic Growth
We are part of Europe's critical transportation infrastructure, carrying large numbers of freight and passengers and playing a vital role in the Scandinavian supply chain. By transporting food and essential goods between Continental Europe and Scandinavia, we help to ensure the uninterrupted flow of goods. Shifting transport from road to sea not only benefits the environment, but also increases road safety.

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
We are eager to find ways to further develop reliable and sustainable infrastructure, that is accessible and affordable for all. As part of the critical infrastructure in Europe, we are constantly investing in research and development to increase resource-use efficiency and adopt cleaner and more environment-friendly technologies.

Intermodal Transport Solutions
TT-Line combines the strengths of sea, rail and road routes to form an attractive network. The sea route across the Baltic Sea connects the most important intermodal hubs in Norway, Sweden, Germany and Italy. All connections are optimally integrated into the efficient timetable of our ferry service, so that your cargo reaches its destination quickly, safely, cost-effectively and in an environmentally friendly manner.
Shore power installation
Our latest initiative to promote sustainability is the introduction of shore power in the ports of Travemünde, Rostock and Trelleborg. This will enable ships to switch off their auxiliary engines and connect to the local power grid instead to reduce carbon emissions and noise pollution. In partnership with the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), we have applied for government co-funding to equip our four largest ferries with shore power capabilities.
Responsible Comsumption & Production
As a transnational company we must take responsibility to adopt sustainable practices. Not only do we work on reducing food losses along production and supply chains, but we also take measures to reduce food waste at consumer level. This includes waste generation in general through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. Our goal is to reduce food waste on our ferries by 35% on average. We have started weighing the amount of food waste on each ferry, to be able to measure our progress. The goal is to have food waste of less than 100g per person per day.

Climate Action
It is our concern to improve education within the company among our employees as well as to raise awareness among our passengers, acknowledging the role that individuals play in addressing climate change. By adopting sustainable practices and implementing environmentally friendly initiatives, we are doing our part to address the issue of climate change.

Life below Water
The protection and sustainable use of our oceans and their resources are essential for sustainable development. We are committed to combining forward-looking strategies with broader initiatives to reduce emissions and pollutants from our vessels. Through these efforts, we reaffirm our commitment to our mission of minimizing our impact on the fragile marine life.